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4 Ways to Drive Traffic to Affiliate Campaigns


In this article we’ll talk about the 4 ways to drive traffic to affiliate campaigns. The hard truth is that if you can’t get targeted traffic to your affiliate links, your online business is never going to succeed. You could have the best sales copy, the best product and a state-of-the-art website… but if there is nobody seeing it, you’re not going to make a cent.

Once you have all the vital components in place such as a good squeeze page, offer, sales funnel, etc. then you should dedicate the majority of your effort to driving traffic to your offer. This is vital if you want your online business to succeed.

This article will give you 4 ways to drive traffic to affiliate campaigns. Focus on only 1 or 2 at a time till you master them. Many beginners make the mistake of dabbling half-heartedly in several different methods and not succeeding with any single one. Focus, focus, focus.


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Search engine optimization is the first of the 4 ways to drive traffic to affiliate campaigns. SEO is like Indiana Jones finding the Holy Grail. It’s next to impossible to master it. Truth be told, Indy’s chances were higher. That being said, you should still do your best to learn as much as you can about SEO.

The fundamentals are roughly the same. Optimize your content for the keyword and related keywords. Have a keyword optimized title, descriptions, tags, etc. Things have changed quite a bit these days.

You should write for people and not the search engines. Gone are the days of keyword stuffing. Good content will keep visitors on your site longer. This increased visitor retention will boost your rankings.

If you’re buying backlinks, make sure your anchor text is widely diversified to make it all look natural. Your best course of action will be to get a guide on SEO and learn all that you can.

Forum Marketing

4 Ways to Drive Traffic to Your Affiliate Campaigns

This is another excellent way to drive traffic to your offers or pages. The concept is simple. You will join forums related to your niche. You’ll then lurk for a while so that you can pick up on the vibe of the group, understand their lingo, problems, desires etc.

Next, you should join in the discussions and post helpful comments and information. This will get your name out there and more people will start trusting you. In your forum signature, you will have a link back to your page.

People who have read your posts may get curious and click on your link. The more posts you have on various forums, the more traffic you will get. Do not spam the forums. Just aim for a few posts in different forums daily and let the traffic snowball with time.

Article Marketing

how to stay organized with affiliate marketing

Article marketing in the second of 4 ways to drive traffic to affiliate campaigns. Don’t worry! It’s not dead yet. Things have just changed dramatically. Gone are those days when you submit a bad article to article directories and it ranks. Google has gotten a lot smarter now days.

Now, you will need to write content that is top shelf and highly useful to the reader. You may submit these articles to sites or blogs that have high traffic. Just Google “your niche + write for us”. This will bring up several sites that need content.

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Assess the traffic the sites get and approach the site owners with your article and see if they’d be interested in publishing it on their page with a link back to your site.

Email Marketing

This is the last of the 4 ways to drive traffic to affiliate campaigns. Yes… the list, the money… you’ve heard it all. You’ll hear it again too. Why?

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Because it is 100% true. Make sure you have a squeeze page to capture the emails of as many visitors as possible. This is the only way you will ever have a chance to market to them again.

Over time, the size of your list will swell and if you’ve been doing things right and building trust, when you are ready to promote an affiliate product to them, they will trust your recommendations and make a purchase.

This concludes 4 Ways to Drive Traffic to Affiliate Campaigns. Choose one and focus all your attention on it. Once that works, outsource the menial tasks to maintain it and focus on a new traffic method. In this way, you will have visitors from many different traffic methods over time.


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